Synoptic Project – Water Pumps

And here is the last of my assets, a big industrial water pump to go with the Coolant Pool in that room.

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This was very fun to make, In particular the control panel, and I’ve continued with the use of that worn sticker effect, the hardest part was actually finding an image for the gauges. But just like the turbine generator I had to forego the High – Low Poly baking and go for something down the middle, albeit  stretching those boundaries as it is quite big on the tris. But I love how it came out, making those pipes was fun, and I kind of want to go crazy making an asset with loads of pipes now, perhaps I should get to finishing that Steampunk rifle from ages ago, but that’ll be a project for me to do over the summer, among other things. but that’s all I have here, but I still do have 2 more posts to make, so until then, see ya!

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