Synoptic Asset – Locker (W/ Internals)

While doing my own personal little project last week I knew it wouldn’t be a good Idea to stay completely away from the Synoptic project given the MVP deadlines and other things. So I kept myself working on something small, but useful nonetheless. A locker of all things, put your things in it, or prank your short friend by shoving him in and locking him in it. It has plenty of uses, and it serves as some decoration in this Project. I made sure that while it was only one asset, you could do things with it that when there’s a bunch of them there’s still a decent amount of diversity among them, I made the door a separate piece which works with FBXs in Unity as opposed to OBJs which I used to use. And of course if there’s a door there’s some internals which you will see in the wireframe renders bellow:


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I’m happy with what came out of it, there were no issues to be spoken of bar the baking issue i’m having with my own computer’s version of substance which was mentioned in the previous post. I did have to consider how to do the slats on the door, often in some images I’ve seen they were cut and bent from the door’s shape and material, but I thought that would be far to difficult to make and UV unwrap so I went for the easy option that turned out just as good. Plus it gives me more options for details around the frame which woild look nice such as screws which there is a thing for in Substance. There’s a render there looking through those slats which is pretty cool, would be nice to see lights coming through that in a render. Aside from that though I hope you like it so far, can’t wait to texture it and get it finished with the rest of my stuff. But until next time, See ya!

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