Synoptic Asset – Automatic Door

So, its been a while, I’ve got a couple of other posts on the way along with this one coming either soon after this, or tomorrow morning. Anyway, onto the Door.
Low was done a few weeks ago, and now High Poly has been done over this week and last week, Unfortunately I’ve hit a snag with texturing which has preventing me from moving on involving the Baking failing to complete due to missing maps… I’ve never had this issue before, so I’m thinking it would be best to enquire about it to my tutors on Tuesday, as on Monday it’s a teacher training day (unfortunately).

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The slideshow has some wireframe renders on both the Low and High Assets showing key areas of detail and interest, unfortunately that’s all I can give you for the moment until I get this fixed.

Overall though I’m happy with how it looks, can wait to move onto texturing as I have a few things I want to try out and see if they look good, Texturing for me doesn’t take long either so it should be a quick and relatively easy task once I get this issue fixed, but thats all I’ve got for now folks, See ya!

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